Why You Should Consider Switching to Drupal

Barbara Buckley / Jun 20, 2023

The digital landscape is constantly evolving and there are a vast amount of content management systems to choose from. When assessing the digital needs of your current, and future business, choosing the best CMS for your goals can seem like a Herculean task.

In this article, we break down the top reasons why, we think, Drupal stands out from the crowd and how it could be the ideal choice for your company's web development needs.

Open Source

Drupal is an open-source CMS whose source code is freely available to the public. This means it cannot be taken away and there will always be someone working on it. The Drupal community offers terrific support and is always looking to improve. At its heart, the open-source community focuses on fostering innovation through ongoing community support.

Let’s also not forget that it is free of charge, which means superb software for no additional hidden costs. The cost-effectiveness of Drupal is definitely a major advantage whether you are a small start-up or an established global brand. 


As your company grows, so does the need for a website that can handle increasing traffic and content demands. Drupal excels in scalability, allowing your website to grow seamlessly with your business. Whether you're a small startup or a multinational corporation, Drupal's robust architecture ensures optimal performance. It is particularly renowned for enterprise-level projects. If you are doing a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to content, then Drupal excels!

Advanced Content Management

Every CMS would argue that it is the most user-friendly when it comes to content management. WordPress is known for being entry-level and user-friendly for non-technical users to create, edit, and publish content without relying on developers.

Yes, Drupal requires more technical know-how, but with the addition of the Gutenberg module, Drupal rivals WordPress for ease of usability. Additionally, Drupal's powerful taxonomy system allows you to categorise and tag content, making it simple to navigate and search.

With advanced content workflow capabilities, you can define publishing roles and permissions, ensuring a streamlined content creation process. This is particularly beneficial to larger sites that wish to have a granular approach to user access.

Both Drupal and TYPO3 offer great solutions for multilingual sites. Drupal has built-in support for multilingual websites, including content translation, language-specific URLs, and language switchers. TYPO3 excels in localisation tools, which also makes it a good choice for websites with a global audience. 

Extensive Module Ecosystem 

Another of Drupal's strengths lies in its vast module ecosystem, offering thousands of extensions to enhance your website's functionality. This is ideal for a growing business. As your needs change, there will no doubt be a module that offers the solution you are looking for.

Whether you need to add e-commerce, social media integration, web forms, donation capabilities or SEO optimisation, Drupal has a module for nearly every requirement.

If there isn’t a module that meets your requirements, then developers can build the module and contribute it back into the open-source community. It doesn’t stop there, the vibrant community ensures continuous updates, and security patches and provide ongoing support.

Other CMS platforms, such as TYPO3 and WordPress, offer their own plugin and extension ecosystems, but Drupal stands out for its robustness, enterprise-level capabilities, and flexibility. 

Robust Security  

Security is a top priority for any business operating online. Drupal is renowned for its strong security framework, making it a trusted choice for organisations that handle sensitive data. The expert Drupal security team are actively monitoring and addressing vulnerabilities. They focus on patching security issues as soon as possible to ensure that your website is safeguarded against potential threats.

Of course, security is only one aspect to consider when choosing a CMS platform, but Drupal stands out from the crowd!

When choosing your CMS platform, there are many factors to take into account, which never makes the decision easy. Yet, Drupal gives you the flexibility to adapt, evolve and develop your website as your needs change and grow. If you are thinking about making the switch to Drupal, or just want to discuss your business needs, get in touch! We are always happy to connect and discuss your requirements further. 

Alternatively, reach out to our Client Engagement Manager, Ricardo Luchsinger, and arrange an initial chat to find out more about partnering with us.